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c:geo User Guide

Welcome to the c:geo online user guide!

About c:geo

c:geo is an open source, full-featured, always ready-to-go client for (unofficial) and offers basic support for other geocaching platforms (like Opencaching). It does not require a web browser or exports - just download and start right away.

Getting started

Users manual

  • Settings - Configuring the application



Coordinates and Navigation

Offline functions

Quick Reference

Special functions and hints


If you have a special problem or error, please do also take a look at our FAQ to find a solution.

About this manual

As c:geo is continously advanced and updated, it might be possible that this user guide is not reflecting the most recent changes.

This site is currently under construction und will be enhanced continously! If you want to help creating this user guide, feel free to contact us.

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en/start.1529334602.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/18 17:10 by lineflyer