


Navigation methods/tools

When invoking a navigation towards coordinates the following menu will be shown to select an appropriate navigation method/tool.

The following table provides an overview of the different methods/tools supported. Some items are only shown if the corresponding tool is installed. You can customize the items shown in this menu in the settings.

Name Description
CompassStarts the c:geo built-in compass.
RadarStarts apps supporting a radar functionality, such as GPS Status & Toolbox.
A radar is similar to a compass but showing your position in the center and the target position in relation to this.
MapOpens the c:geo map
LocusStarts Locus to display the coordinates on the map.
Navigation (Driving)Starting Google Maps turn-by-turn navigation using the preferences for a car route.
Navigation (Bike)Starting Google Maps routing turn-by-turn navigation the preferences for a bike route.
Navigation (Walking)Starting Google Maps routing turn-by-turn navigation the preferences for a walk route.
Navigation (Transit)Starting Google Maps routing turn-by-turn navigation the preferences for a route with transit providers.
Street ViewStart Google Street View on the coordinates.
OruxMaps (Online)Start OruxMaps using online turn-by-turn navigation.
OruxMaps (OfflineStart OruxMaps using offline turn-by-turn navigation.
Sygic (Walking)Start Sygic turn-by-turn navigation using preferences for a walk route.
Sygic (Driving)Start Sygic turn-by-turn navigation using preferences for a car route.
OsmAndStart OSMAnd offline turn-by-turn navigation.
Google Maps DirectionsOpens Google Maps to show a list of driving directions from your current position to the coordinates.
WhereYouGoThis item is only available for Wherigo caches and will open WhereYouGo to download the needed cartridge and further navigate through the stages of the cache.
PebbleStart compass on your pebble device using the Pebble Navigation app.
Maps.meStart offline turn-by-turn navigation using the app.
OrganicMapsStart offline turn-by-turn navigation using the OrganicMaps app.
Other external appsThis invokes other apps not explicitly supported by c:geo.
Using this option will usually open an app selection dialog on your device presenting all apps capable of digesting links containing coordinates.
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en/navigation.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/08/19 22:54 von moving-bits