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Cache lists

This page provides information about the information displayed on your list of stored caches. The same view is also used in the result of search functions.

Top section

Icon/Section Function Description
List ManagementThis section shows the name of the current list, the amount of caches on the current list (limited to the filtered caches if applicable). Clicking on this section will open the list of all cache lists to select another cache list to display.
Map the listClicking this icon will show the caches on this list on a map.
List FilterClicking this icon will open a filter dialog to filter the caches on your list according to various criteria.
Filter indicationThis line will only show up in case a Global Cache Type Filter or a List Filter is active.
Clicking on this line will directly take you to the corresponding filter dialog.

Cache information

Click on the following links to get information about the Geocache Type Icons in c:geo and Geocache marker icons in c:geo, which are used on the cache lists.

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en/listinfo.1528235899.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/05 23:58 by lineflyer