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Geocache Icons

c:geo uses dedicated icons for the different types of Geocaches available. The following tables provide an overview of the used icons, the corresponding cache type and a basic description of the characteristic features of this cache type.

Icons in cache lists and on the map

The following table shows the icons used in cache lists and on the map, when used in non-compact mode.

Icon (old) Icon (new) Cache Type Basic description
Traditional CacheThis is classic type of geocaches. The geocache can be found at the given coordinates.
Multi CacheA multi cache uses at least two locations. The geocache itself is located at the final location, but you need to visit several locations and possibly solve questions/riddles at each stage to find out the final location.
Mystery CacheThis geocache type covers many possibilities, where the geocache is typically not located at the given coordinates but the real location has to be investigated.Typically the user has to answer questions or solve the riddle in the cache description to reveal the real location.
Wherigo CacheWherigo is a way to play location depending adventures. Using a dedicated Wherigo app and the cache cartridge file, the geocacher has to play a location based game or answer location based questions. More information at
Letterbox Hybrid Cache A letterbox geocache uses clues instead of coordinates. A stamp can be found at the final location to record the visit.
Earth CacheThe location of an earth cache is a location of special geological interest. The aim of these geocaches is to educate the geocachers about the geology of the earth. At the location typically questions need to be answered to be able to log the geocache. There is no physical geocache at the location. More information can be found at
Virtual Cache A virtual cache location does not contain a physical geocache. At the location an assignment needs to be carried out or a question needs to be answered. If this is done correctly and the location is really visited, the geocache can be logged as found.
Webcam CacheAt this geocache type you need to stand in front of a public webcam and capture a picture from this cam. Afterwards the picture needs to be posted together with your log to claim the find.
Event CacheSometimes geocachers organize events at a certain time and place to meet and discuss about Geocaching.
Mega Event CacheA Mega Event Cache is basically the same as an Event Cache, but the event is bigger. A minimum number of 500 geocachers need to be registered.
Giga Event CacheA Giga Event Cache is basically the same as Mega Event Cache, but the event is even bigger. A minimum number of 5000 geocachers need to be registered.
CITO Event CacheCITO Event Cache are events organized for the purpose of cleaning the environment or a similar task and (optionally) afterwards place a new geocache at the location. CITO is the abbreviation for Cache-In-Trash-Out.
Special Event CacheUsed for special type of events like e.g. Community Celebration Event or HQ Block Party.
Project APE Cache14 Geocaches of this type have originally been placed in 2001 to support the movie “Planet of the Apes”. Only a few geocaches exist today, which makes it one of the rarest Geocache types.
Groundspeak Headquarter CacheThere is only one Geocache of this type, located at the HQ of Groundspeak, the company behind, in Seattle, Washington, USA.
GPS Adventures Maze ExhibitThis is a special rare event type and represents attendance at the GPS Adventures Maze Exhibit. GPS Adventures Mazes are designed to teach people about GPS technology and geocaching.
Adventure Lab CacheWhen playing an Adventure Lab Cache, no physical cache can be found. You have to visit a location with the special Adventure Lab Cache app and answer a question there. If this went well, the visited location will automatically be added to your number of found caches.
Unknown Cache TypeIf this cache type is shown either c:geo could not (yet) load the cache type of this Geocache, it is a cache type not explicitly supported by c:geo or it is a dedicated Unknown Type Geocache as supported on opencaching platforms.
User defined CacheUsed for user created caches inside of c:geo (always using hexagonal background).

Icons used on the map in compact mode

The following table shows the dot icons used when the map is set to use compact icons. Some cache types are combined into one icon in this mode.

Icon (new) Cache Type
Traditional Cache
Multi Cache
Mystery Cache
Wherigo Cache
Letterbox Hybrid Cache
Earth Cache
Virtual Cache
Webcam Cache
All Event Cache Types
Project APE Cache
Groundspeak Headquarter Cache
GPS Adventures Maze Exhibit
Adventure Lab Cache
Unknown Cache Type or
Cache is disabled/archived
User defined Cache
Caches from Opencaching will be shown with a square dot
(this example shows a dot icon for an Opencaching traditional cache).

Additionally some cache status values, which are represented by a small marker in normal mode (e.g. found state, modified coordinates), will also be reflected in compact mode by using a dedicated icon as listed in the following table. These will then be shown instead of the cache type dot icon:

Icon (new) Status
Cache logged as found
Cache offline logged as found
Cache logged as not found
Cache with user modified coordinates
(Background is colored depending on cache type)
Cache which has a valid final wayppoint
(Background is colored depending on cache type)
Event cache, where you logged a will attend
Cache offline logged as in need of maintenance
Cache offline logged as to be archived
Cache offline logged with a note
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en/cacheicons.1637136208.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/17 09:03 by lineflyer