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Log d'Objets Voyageurs (TB)

Objets Voyageurs supportés

c:geo prend en charge différents types d'objets voyageurs fournis par différentes plateformes :

Icône Type Description Fonctions
Travel BugObjet Voyageur de geocaching.comSupporté pleinement par c:geo
GeoKretyObjet Voyageur de geokrety.orgSupporté pleinement par c:geo
GeoLutinObjet Voyageur de geolutins.comRecherche et fonctions de bases (log impossible) seulement

Rechercher un objet voyageur

La plupart des objets voyageurs ont deux codes de différents, qui peuvent être utilisés pour identifier et rechercher l'objet voyageur :

||Menu overflow button|Tapping here will open the menu of functions not fitting into the top bar on your device, thus being displayed as a list instead. The function shown in this list are also described in this table.|

SmiliesOpens a list of smiley tags you can insert into your log.
Repeat last logThis function will insert the log text of the last trackable you logged into the log text field.

Log type

Depending on the trackable brand, its current state and if you are owner of the trackable, different log types can be selected by tapping on this field:

Log Type Description
RetrievedYou retrieved this trackable from the geocache, where it is currently listed.
DiscoveredYou only want to report, that you have seen this trackable but did not perform any other action with it.
Dropped OffYou placed this trackable into a geocache.

:!: This log type is only available for GeoKrety, as geocaching.com dropped off logs are always combined with a cache log and therefore included on the geocache logging page.
VisitedYou want to let this trackable visit a geocache.

:!: This log type is only available for GeoKrety, as geocaching.com visited logs are always combined with a cache log and therefore included on the geocache logging page.
Grabbed somewhereYou want to transfer this trackable into your inventory but did not find it in a cache but grabbed it from another user or an unknown location.
NoteYou want to write a comment/note for this trackable.
Move to CollectionIf a geocaching.com trackable is marked as collectible, you can use this log type to move the trackable from your inventory to your personal trackable collection.
Move to InventoryIf a geocaching.com trackable is currently in your collection, you can use this log type to move the trackable to your inventory.

Log date/time

Select the date (and time - only supported for GeoKrety) associated with your log.

Tracking code

Enter the secret tracking code into this field before posting your log. You will need the secret code to post any log besides Note. GeoKrety also requires the secret code to post a Note.

The secret code will be already shown in this field if you used it to search for this trackable or if this trackable is currently in your inventory.

Log text

Enter your individual log into this field.

Social media

If you connected c:geo with Twitter in the settings this field will be shown. If you enable the checkbox c:geo will post a tweet in parallel to sending this log.

Special fields

In case you compose a Dropped Off log for a GeoKrety trackable, you will need to define the geo code and/or the coordinates of the cache, where you dropped this trackable.

Use the field Geo code to enter the geo code of the cache where your dropped the trackable or tap on Coordinates to open the coordinate input dialog and enter the coordinates, where you dropped off the trackable.

Trackable Inventory

The trackable inventory is the list of all trackables you currently have in your hands (i.e. you retrieved them from a cache or grabbed them from another user).

At the moment c:geo does not support a dedicated view of your trackable inventory. However you will see you complete inventory on the inventory section of the cache logging page, while composing a log for a geocache.

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fr/loggingtb.1646297814.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2022/03/03 09:56 de paulhenrysaux