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en:cachedetails [2020/11/09 16:26] – [Personal note] lineflyeren:cachedetails [2022/02/14 11:40] – [Waypoints submenu] lineflyer
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 ====== Geocache Details ====== ====== Geocache Details ======
-The cache details pages provide you all information about a specific cache. They can be opened by clicking on a cache in a [[.mainmenu:lists|list]],from the [[.mainmenu:livemap#map_popup_window|live map]] or by direct [[.mainmenu:search|search]] for the geo code of a cache.+The cache details pages provide you all information about a specific cache. They can be opened by tapping on a cache in a [[.mainmenu:lists|list]],from the [[.mainmenu:livemap#map_popup_window|live map]] or by direct [[.mainmenu:search|search]] for the geo code of a cache.
 {{ :en:cachedetails_details.png?direct&300 |}} {{ :en:cachedetails_details.png?direct&300 |}}
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 At the [[cachedetails#bottom_section|bottom section]] of each tab you can see the name of the current tab and you can also use this to navigate between the tabs. The [[cachedetails#top_bar_menu|top bar menu]] is the same on all tabs. At the [[cachedetails#bottom_section|bottom section]] of each tab you can see the name of the current tab and you can also use this to navigate between the tabs. The [[cachedetails#top_bar_menu|top bar menu]] is the same on all tabs.
-You can see the complete order of the tabs in the table below. Clicking on the images in the table will open a larger version, clicking on the headline will directly take you to the relevant section in this user guide:+You can see the complete order of the tabs in the table below. Tapping on the images in the table will open a larger version, tapping on the headline will directly take you to the relevant section in this user guide:
 ^ [[cachedetails#waypoint_tab|Waypoints]] ^ [[cachedetails#details_tab|Details]] ^ [[cachedetails#description_tab|Description]]^ [[cachedetails#logbook_tab|Logbook]] ^ [[cachedetails#logbook_tab|Friends/Own Logs]] ^[[cachedetails#inventory_tab|Inventory]] ^ [[cachedetails#image_tab|Images]] ^ ^ [[cachedetails#waypoint_tab|Waypoints]] ^ [[cachedetails#details_tab|Details]] ^ [[cachedetails#description_tab|Description]]^ [[cachedetails#logbook_tab|Logbook]] ^ [[cachedetails#logbook_tab|Friends/Own Logs]] ^[[cachedetails#inventory_tab|Inventory]] ^ [[cachedetails#image_tab|Images]] ^
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 <WRAP center round info 100%> <WRAP center round info 100%>
 The icons shown in the top bar and the contents behind the overflow menu button are distributed dynamically based on your device resolution and screen orientation. Thus it might be possible, that more or less items can be found behind the menu button or instead shown as icons in the top bar on your device.\\ The icons shown in the top bar and the contents behind the overflow menu button are distributed dynamically based on your device resolution and screen orientation. Thus it might be possible, that more or less items can be found behind the menu button or instead shown as icons in the top bar on your device.\\
-In case a menu entry is shown as an icon you can long press the icon to get a popup showing its function.+In case a menu entry is shown as an icon you can long press the icon to get a popup showing its function, unless the double command is provided (short and long press), as in the case of the preferred and secondary navigator option)
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ^ Icon ^ Function ^ Description ^ ^ Icon ^ Function ^ Description ^
-|{{:ic_menu_compass.png?nolink&40 |}}|Preferred navigation|A short click on this icon will start your [[.mainmenu:settings#navigation|preferred navigation]] tool to navigate to the selected cache.\\ A long press will start your secondary [[.mainmenu:settings#navigation|preferred navigation]] tool.| +|{{:ic_menu_compass.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Preferred navigation|A short tap on this icon will start your [[.mainmenu:settings#navigation|preferred navigation]] tool to navigate to the selected cache.\\ A long press will start your secondary [[.mainmenu:settings#navigation|preferred navigation]] tool.| 
-|{{:ic_menu_goto.png?nolink&40 |}}|[[navigation|Navigation]]|Will open the complete list of available navigation tools.| +|{{:ic_menu_goto.svg?nolink&40 |}}|[[navigation|Navigation]]|Will open the complete list of available navigation tools.| 
-|{{:abc_ic_menu_moreoverflow_normal_holo_light.png?nolink&40 |}}|Menu overflow button|Clicking here will open the menu of functions not fitting into the top bar on your device, thus being displayed as a list instead. The function shown in this list are also described in this table.| +|{{:three_dot_vertical.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Menu overflow button|Tapping here will open the menu of functions not fitting into the top bar on your device, thus being displayed as a list instead. The function shown in this list are also described in this table.| 
-|{{:ic_menu_edit.png?nolink&40 |}}|Log Visit|This opens the [[logging|logging window]] to log the cache.| +|{{:ic_menu_edit.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Log Visit|This opens the [[logging|logging window]] to log the cache.| 
-|{{ :ic_menu_start_conversation.png?nolink&40 |}}|Toggle talking|Will start or stop the text-to-speech output of direction and distance towards the target.\\ You can also switch off the display once talking function has been started.| +|{{ :ic_menu_start_conversation.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Toggle talking|Will start or stop the text-to-speech output of direction and distance towards the target.\\ You can also switch off the display once talking function has been started.| 
-|{{:ic_menu_rotate.png?nolink&40 |}}|Caches around|This option starts a [[.mainmenu:lists|nearby search]] around the coordinates of the cache and will display the results.| +|Open in Browser||Will open the cache either in your prefered internet browser or (if activated in [[.:mainmenu:settings#cache-details|cache detail settings]]) using chrome webview inside of c:geo.|
-|{{ :ic_menu_save.png?nolink&40 |}}|Store|Will store the cache to your [[.mainmenu:lists|lists]] or if it is already stored - allows you to store it to another list.| +
-|{{ :ic_menu_refresh.png?nolink&40 |}}|Refresh|Selecting this option will refresh the cache information by updating it from the geocaching server.| +
-|{{ :ic_menu_delete.png?nolink&40 |}}|Remove|This will delete the cache from your lists.| +
-|Vote||This will open the [[|GCVote]] dialog for the cache.| +
-|Share cache||Will share link to the cache using the built-in Android share options.|+
 |Open Geochecker||This will open the geochecker of this cache in your web browser.\\ \\ :!: This menu entry is only available if the cache description of this cache contains a link to a (known) geochecker.| |Open Geochecker||This will open the geochecker of this cache in your web browser.\\ \\ :!: This menu entry is only available if the cache description of this cache contains a link to a (known) geochecker.|
-|Ignore cache||This will put the cache on the servers ignore list.\\ \\ :!: Ignoring a cache means, that this cache will never occur again when loading data from the geocaching server. You will only be able to see the cache again by unignoring it on the geocaching website.| 
-|Extract Waypoints||This function will scan the cache description for valid coordinates and automatically create a waypoint for each coordinate found in the listing.\\ This can be a helpful feature in case the cache owner did not create dedicated waypoints but only lists the coordinates in the cache description.| 
-|Export||Allows you to export the caches as GPX, a field note or its personal note.| 
 |Personal note||This function will directly open the editor for the personal note, which can also be found in the [[cachedetails#description_tab|description tab]]| |Personal note||This function will directly open the editor for the personal note, which can also be found in the [[cachedetails#description_tab|description tab]]|
 +|Waypoints||Containing a submenu with options concerning waypoints of this cache (see next chapter for explanation).|
 +|Share/Export||Submenu which contains several options to share or export the cache or its information (see next chapter for explanation).|
 +|Advanced||Containing several advanced actions for the cache (see next chapter for explanation).|
 +==== Waypoints submenu ====
 +{{ :en:cachedetails_topbar2.png?direct&400 |}}
 +^ Function ^ Description ^
 +|Remove user defined waypoints|This will delete all self created waypoints contained for this cache.\\ This menu is only shown if the cache contains user defined waypoints.|
 +|Extract Waypoints|This function will scan the cache description for valid coordinates and automatically create a waypoint for each coordinate found in the listing.\\ This can be a helpful feature in case the cache owner did not create dedicated waypoints but only lists the coordinates in the cache description.|
 +|Prevent/Allow waypoints from note|Activating this function will prevent/allow, that c:geo extracts coordinates found in the personal note of this cache.|
 +==== Share/Export submenu ====
 +{{ :en:cachedetails_topbar3.png?direct&400 |}}
 +^ Function ^ Description ^
 +|Share cache|Will share a link to the cache using the built-in Android share options.|
 +|GPX|Allows you to export the caches as GPX file.|
 +|Field Note|Will export your offline log for this cache as field note file.|
 +==== Advanced submenu ====
 +{{ :en:cachedetails_topbar4.png?direct&400 |}}
 +^ Function ^ Description ^
 +|Caches around|This option starts a [[.mainmenu:lists|nearby search]] around the coordinates of the cache and will display the results.|
 +|Vote|This will open the [[|GCVote]] dialog for the cache.|
 +|Ignore cache|This will put the cache on the servers ignore list.\\ \\ :!: Ignoring a cache means, that this cache will never occur again when loading data from the geocaching server. You will only be able to see the cache again by unignoring it on the geocaching website.|
 ===== Details tab ===== ===== Details tab =====
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 |Favorite|The amount of favorite points ( or recommendations (Opencaching platforms) the selected cache has been awarded. The percentage value is the amount of favorite points divided by the number of total finds.| |Favorite|The amount of favorite points ( or recommendations (Opencaching platforms) the selected cache has been awarded. The percentage value is the amount of favorite points divided by the number of total finds.|
 |Your Rating|Shows the rating you gave to this cache on [[|GCVote]] if this service is enabled in the [[.mainmenu:settings#services|c:geo settings]] as decimal value as well as graphical.| |Your Rating|Shows the rating you gave to this cache on [[|GCVote]] if this service is enabled in the [[.mainmenu:settings#services|c:geo settings]] as decimal value as well as graphical.|
-|Owner|The name of the owner of this cache.\\ You can click on this field to open a context menu to perform actions related to this owner.|+|Owner|The name of the owner of this cache.\\ You can tap on this field to open a context menu to perform actions related to this owner.|
 |Hidden|The date this cache was hidden.| |Hidden|The date this cache was hidden.|
 |Location|The country/state/county of this cache.| |Location|The country/state/county of this cache.|
-|Coordinates|The cache coordinates.\\ You can click on this field to show it in different other [[.:coordformat|coordinate formats]] supported by c:geo.|+|Coordinates|The cache coordinates.\\ You can tap on this field to show it in different other [[.:coordformat|coordinate formats]] supported by c:geo.|
 <WRAP center round tip 100%> <WRAP center round tip 100%>
-You can long click on some of the fields listed above to copy the information to your clipboard or share it.+You can long tap on some of the fields listed above to copy the information to your clipboard or share it.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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 This section of the details tab will show you the attributes the owner has assigned for his cache as a list of icons. The section might also be omitted, in case the owner did not assign any attributes for this cache. This section of the details tab will show you the attributes the owner has assigned for his cache as a list of icons. The section might also be omitted, in case the owner did not assign any attributes for this cache.
-You can click on the  [[attributes|attribute icons]] to get them shown as a textual list instead.+You can tap on the  [[attributes|attribute icons]] to get them shown as a textual list instead.
 ==== List Management ==== ==== List Management ====
Line 96: Line 117:
 ^ Icon/Option ^ Description ^ ^ Icon/Option ^ Description ^
 |{{ :en:livemap_popup_6.png?nolink&200 |}}|This field provides information if the selected cache is stored on your [[.mainmenu:lists|cache lists]] and for how long the cache is stored (i.e. gives you an indication of how up-to-date the shown details are).| |{{ :en:livemap_popup_6.png?nolink&200 |}}|This field provides information if the selected cache is stored on your [[.mainmenu:lists|cache lists]] and for how long the cache is stored (i.e. gives you an indication of how up-to-date the shown details are).|
-|{{ :ic_menu_refresh.png?nolink&40 |}}|Clicking this button will refresh the cache information by updating it from the geocaching server.| +|{{ :ic_menu_refresh.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Tapping this button will refresh the cache information by updating it from the geocaching server.| 
-|{{ :en:livemap_popup_7.png?nolink&200 |}}|In case the selected cache is already stored in your [[.mainmenu:lists|cache lists]] this field shows you the list(s) it is stored in. You can click on the list name to open the list.| +|{{ :en:livemap_popup_7.png?nolink&200 |}}|In case the selected cache is already stored in your [[.mainmenu:lists|cache lists]] this field shows you the list(s) it is stored in. You can tap on the list name to open the list.| 
-|{{ :ic_menu_save.png?nolink&40 |}} |This button is only shown if the selected cache is not yet stored in your [[.mainmenu:lists|cache lists]] and will store it.\\ A long press on this icon will store the cache to the last used list, instead of asking for the list.| +|{{ :ic_menu_save.svg?nolink&40 |}} |This button is only shown if the selected cache is not yet stored in your [[.mainmenu:lists|cache lists]] and will store it.\\ A long press on this icon will store the cache to the last used list, instead of asking for the list.| 
-|{{ :ic_menu_edit.png?nolink&40 |}}|If the selected cache is already stored in your [[.mainmenu:lists|cache lists]] this icon is shown and allows you to modify the list or add the cache to another list.| +|{{ :ic_menu_edit.svg?nolink&40 |}}|If the selected cache is already stored in your [[.mainmenu:lists|cache lists]] this icon is shown and allows you to modify the list or add the cache to another list.| 
-|{{ :ic_menu_delete.png?nolink&40 |}}|If the selected cache is already stored in your [[.mainmenu:lists|cache lists]] this icon is shown and allows you to delete the cache from your lists.|+|{{ :ic_menu_delete.svg?nolink&40 |}}|If the selected cache is already stored in your [[.mainmenu:lists|cache lists]] this icon is shown and allows you to delete the cache from your lists.|
 ==== Watchlist ==== ==== Watchlist ====
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 The watchlist is a function of the geocaching provider. Having a cache on your watchlist will make you receive a mail notification if a new logbook entry is added for this cache. The watchlist is a function of the geocaching provider. Having a cache on your watchlist will make you receive a mail notification if a new logbook entry is added for this cache.
-The {{:ic_menu_add.png?nolink&30|}} or {{:ic_menu_remove.png?nolink&30|}} button will add/remove the cache to/from your watchlist.+The {{:ic_menu_watch.svg?nolink&30|}} or {{:ic_menu_watch_remove.svg?nolink&30|}} button will add/remove the cache to/from your watchlist.
 The ''Watchers:'' value shows you how many people have this cache on their watchlist. The ''Watchers:'' value shows you how many people have this cache on their watchlist.
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 This section shows, whether you awarded a favorite point to this cache. This section shows, whether you awarded a favorite point to this cache.
-The {{:ic_menu_add.png?nolink&30|}} or {{:ic_menu_remove.png?nolink&30|}} buttons are only shown if you found this cache and will add/remove the cache to/from your favorites.+The {{:ic_menu_favorite.svg?nolink&30|}} or {{:ic_menu_favorite_remove.svg?nolink&30|}} buttons are only shown if you found this cache and will add/remove the cache to/from your favorites.
 ===== Waypoint tab ===== ===== Waypoint tab =====
Line 135: Line 156:
 |Title|Icon and title of the waypoint| |Title|Icon and title of the waypoint|
 |Type and Reference|[[cachedetails#waypoint_types|Waypoint type]] and reference code (as provided by server) or ''Custom'' if the waypoint has been created by the user.| |Type and Reference|[[cachedetails#waypoint_types|Waypoint type]] and reference code (as provided by server) or ''Custom'' if the waypoint has been created by the user.|
-|Coordinates|The coordinates of the waypoint. The field might also be empty if either the owner did not provide coordinates for the waypoint or you created a waypoint without coordinates (or using the [[coordinatedialog#waypoint_calculator|waypoint calculator]] not yet providing valid coordinates).\\ \\ :!: You can click on the coordinates to get them shown in other supported formats.|+|Coordinates|The coordinates of the waypoint. The field might also be empty if either the owner did not provide coordinates for the waypoint or you created a waypoint without coordinates (or using the [[coordinatedialog#waypoint_calculator|waypoint calculator]] not yet providing valid coordinates).\\ \\ :!: You can tap on the coordinates to get them shown in other supported formats.|
 |Description|Contains the description for this waypoint.| |Description|Contains the description for this waypoint.|
-|{{:actionbar_compass_light.png?nolink&40 |}}|This icon is shown at the right side of each waypoint if it has coordinates. A short click will start your [[.mainmenu:settings#navigation|default navigation]], a long click will start the [[.mainmenu:settings#navigation|secondary preffered navigation]] towards these coordinates.|+|{{:ic_menu_compass.svg?nolink&40 |}}|This icon is shown at the right side of each waypoint if it has coordinates. A short tap will start your [[.mainmenu:settings#navigation|default navigation]], a long tap will start the [[.mainmenu:settings#navigation|secondary preffered navigation]] towards these coordinates.|
-A short click on the waypoint itself will the [[cachedetails#waypoint_editor|waypoint editor]]. A long click on the waypoint will show a [[cachedetails#waypoint_context_menu|context menu]] providing more options for the waypoint.+A short tap on the waypoint itself will the [[cachedetails#waypoint_editor|waypoint editor]]. A long tap on the waypoint will show a [[cachedetails#waypoint_context_menu|context menu]] providing more options for the waypoint.
-Clicking on ''Add a Waypoint'' will open the [[cachedetails#waypoint_editor|waypoint editor]] to create your custom waypoint for this cache.+Tapping on ''Add a Waypoint'' will open the [[cachedetails#waypoint_editor|waypoint editor]] to create your custom waypoint for this cache.
 ==== Waypoint types ==== ==== Waypoint types ====
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 Waypoints can have different types as listed below: Waypoints can have different types as listed below:
-^ Icon ^ Name ^ Description ^ +^ Icon (old) ^ Icon (new) ^ Name ^ Description ^ 
-|{{ :waypoint_pkg.png?nolink&40 |}}|Parking Area|Parking coordinates related to the cache.| +|{{ :waypoint_pkg.png?nolink&40 |}}|{{ :waypoint_pkg.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Parking Area|Parking coordinates related to the cache.| 
-|{{ :waypoint_puzzle.png?nolink&40 |}}|Question to Answer|A waypoint of a cache, where no physical stage of a cache is hidden but you typically have to answer a question, which might be provided in the description of the waypoint.| +|{{ :waypoint_puzzle.png?nolink&40 |}}|{{ :waypoint_puzzle.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Question to Answer|A waypoint of a cache, where no physical stage of a cache is hidden but you typically have to answer a question, which might be provided in the description of the waypoint.| 
-|{{ :waypoint_stage.png?nolink&40 |}}|Stage of a Multi cache|A waypoint of a cache, where a physical stage is hidden providing more information to solve the cache.| +|{{ :waypoint_stage.png?nolink&40 |}}|{{ :waypoint_stage.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Stage of a Multi cache|A waypoint of a cache, where a physical stage is hidden providing more information to solve the cache.| 
-|{{ :waypoint_trailhead.png?nolink&40 |}}|Trailhead|The coordinates of this waypoint typically provide a guidance about the path to use to reach the cache or the next waypoint.| +|{{ :waypoint_trailhead.png?nolink&40 |}}|{{ :waypoint_trailhead.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Trailhead|The coordinates of this waypoint typically provide a guidance about the path to use to reach the cache or the next waypoint.| 
-|{{ :waypoint_waypoint.png?nolink&40 |}}|Reference Point|A generic reference point, which can be used for multiple purposes.| +|{{ :waypoint_waypoint.png?nolink&40 |}}|{{ :waypoint_waypoint.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Reference Point|A generic reference point, which can be used for multiple purposes.| 
-|{{ :waypoint_flag.png?nolink&40 |}}|Final Location|Providing the location of the final cache container.|+|{{ :waypoint_flag.png?nolink&40 |}}|{{ :waypoint_flag.svg?nolink&40 |}}|Final Location|Providing the location of the final cache container.|
 ==== Waypoint editor ==== ==== Waypoint editor ====
Line 164: Line 185:
 ^ Section ^ Description ^ ^ Section ^ Description ^
-|{{ :en:waypoint_editor_coords.png?nolink&400 |}}|Clicking on the coordinate field will open the [[coordinatedialog|coordinate input dialog]].|+|{{ :en:waypoint_editor_coords.png?nolink&400 |}}|Tapping on the coordinate field will open the [[coordinatedialog|coordinate input dialog]].|
 |{{ :en:waypoint_editor_projection.png?nolink&400 |}}|After entering the coordinates you can use the ''Bearing'' and ''Distance'' fields to perform a coordinate projection. After saving the waypoint the coordinates will be calculated according to the projection data.| |{{ :en:waypoint_editor_projection.png?nolink&400 |}}|After entering the coordinates you can use the ''Bearing'' and ''Distance'' fields to perform a coordinate projection. After saving the waypoint the coordinates will be calculated according to the projection data.|
-|{{ :en:waypoint_editor_typeselector.png?nolink&400 |}}|Clicking this field will open a drop down menu to choose the [[cachedetails#waypoint_types|waypoint type]].|+|{{ :en:waypoint_editor_typeselector.png?nolink&400 |}}|Tapping this field will open a drop down menu to choose the [[cachedetails#waypoint_types|waypoint type]].|
 |{{ :en:waypoint_editor_title_note.png?nolink&400 |}}|You can enter the waypoint title and user notes for this waypoint in these fields.\\ The title field is prefilled automatically depending on the waypoint type selected.| |{{ :en:waypoint_editor_title_note.png?nolink&400 |}}|You can enter the waypoint title and user notes for this waypoint in these fields.\\ The title field is prefilled automatically depending on the waypoint type selected.|
 |{{ :en:waypoint_editor_visited.png?nolink&400 |}}|Activating this box will set the waypoint as Visited, thus showing it with a tick icon on the waypoint list and making its icon background transparent on the map.| |{{ :en:waypoint_editor_visited.png?nolink&400 |}}|Activating this box will set the waypoint as Visited, thus showing it with a tick icon on the waypoint list and making its icon background transparent on the map.|
Line 176: Line 197:
 {{:en:details_waypoint_context.png?direct&300 |}} {{:en:details_waypoint_context.png?direct&300 |}}
-A long click on a waypoint will open this context menu providing you the following options for this waypoint:+A long tap on a waypoint will open this context menu providing you the following options for this waypoint:
 ^ Option ^ Description ^  ^ Option ^ Description ^ 
-|Edit|Start the editor for this waypoint.\\ Same as short click on a waypoint.|+|Edit|Start the editor for this waypoint.\\ Same as short tap on a waypoint.|
 |Visited|Set this waypoint as visited, thus showing it with a tick icon on the waypoint list and making its icon background transparent on the map.| |Visited|Set this waypoint as visited, thus showing it with a tick icon on the waypoint list and making its icon background transparent on the map.|
 |Copy coordinates|Copy the waypoint coordinates to the clipboard.| |Copy coordinates|Copy the waypoint coordinates to the clipboard.|
Line 199: Line 220:
 The description tab mainly contains the cache description the owner provided. Below the scroll able cache description you will find additional sections for the [[cachedetails#hint_section|cache hint]] and for your [[cachedetails#personal_note|personal cache note]]. The description tab mainly contains the cache description the owner provided. Below the scroll able cache description you will find additional sections for the [[cachedetails#hint_section|cache hint]] and for your [[cachedetails#personal_note|personal cache note]].
-You can click on the cache description to copy the text or parts of it to your clipboard. Furthermore you can use it to trigger [[.mainmenu:utilityprograms|translating]] the description into another language.+You can tap on the cache description to copy the text or parts of it to your clipboard. Furthermore you can use it to trigger [[.mainmenu:utilityprograms|translating]] the description into another language.
 ==== Hint section ==== ==== Hint section ====
Line 206: Line 227:
 {{:en:description_hint_encoded.png?direct&400 |}}{{ :en:description_hint_decoded.png?direct&400 |}} {{:en:description_hint_encoded.png?direct&400 |}}{{ :en:description_hint_decoded.png?direct&400 |}}
-This section contains the secret hint if the owner provides one. By default the hint is encoded (left picture) in order not to spoil the cache location. To decode it, simply click on the encoded text (right picture).+This section contains the secret hint if the owner provides one. By default the hint is encoded (left picture) in order not to spoil the cache location. To decode it, simply tap on the encoded text (right picture).
-If the owner uploaded a spoiler picture, you will find a clickable link to this picture below the hint text.+If the owner uploaded a spoiler picture, you will find a tapable link to this picture below the hint text.
Line 214: Line 235:
 {{anchor:personal_note:}} {{anchor:personal_note:}}
-{{:en:description_personalnote.png?direct&300|}}{{ :en:description_personalnote_2.png?direct&300|}}+{{ :en:description_personalnote.png?direct&400 |}}
-This section contains your personal cache note. Notes you have entered on the geocaching server will be shown here, and you have the possibility to add/edit the note and upload it to the server (for uploading is only supported for [[basicmembers|premium members]]).+This section contains your personal cache note. Notes you have entered on the geocaching server will be shown here (for synchronization with the server is only supported for [[basicmembers|premium members]]). The buttons below the note offer several options as explained in the table below:
-:!: If different cache notes exist on the server and locally in c:geo while the cache is refreshed, both notes will be kept and separated by ''- - -''.+ 
 +^ Icon ^ Name ^ Description ^ 
 +|{{:ic_menu_waypoint_sync.svg?nolink&40|}}|Copy waypoints|Will copy all self defined waypoints of this cache into the personal note. With this feature you can backup the waypoints you created for this cache into the personal note. As c:geo recognizes the used syntax such stored waypoints will be automatically recreated from the personal note.| 
 +|{{:ic_menu_waypoint_delete.svg?nolink&40|}}|Delete waypoints|This will delete the copied waypoints from the personal note.| 
 +|{{:ic_menu_upload.svg?nolink&40|}}|Upload to server|Upload the local personal note to the geocaching server.\\ :!: On this is a premium member feature.| 
 +|{{:ic_menu_edit.svg?nolink&40|}}|Edit personal note|This will open the editor window, where you can edit your personal note.| 
 +{{:en:description_personalnote_2.png?direct&400 |}} 
 +This is the personal note editor window where you can enter or modify your personal cache note. Activating the checkbox ''Prevent waypoint extraction''  will prevent c:geo from automatically extracting coordinates found in the personal note into the waypoints of this cache. 
 +<WRAP center round info 100%> 
 +If different cache notes exist on the server and locally in c:geo while the cache is refreshed, both notes will be kept and separated by ''- - -''. 
 ===== Logbook tab ===== ===== Logbook tab =====
Line 232: Line 267:
 Color markes indicate the different log type allowing an easy distinction between "good" log types (e.g. found, activated) and "bad" log types (e.g. Not found, Deactivated). Color markes indicate the different log type allowing an easy distinction between "good" log types (e.g. found, activated) and "bad" log types (e.g. Not found, Deactivated).
-:!: In case the log contains spoilers, the logging user can decide to encrypt the log entry. In this case you can click on the log entry to decode the log text.+:!: In case the log contains spoilers, the logging user can decide to encrypt the log entry. In this case you can tap on the log entry to decode the log text.
-Clicking on the username will open a context menu with owner related [[.mainmenu:search|search options]].+Tapping on the username will open a context menu with owner related [[.mainmenu:search|search options]].
-Long click on the log text allows you to copy the text to your clipboard. Furthermore you can use it to trigger [[.mainmenu:utilityprograms|translating]] the log into another language.+Long tap on the log text allows you to copy the text to your clipboard. Furthermore you can use it to trigger [[.mainmenu:utilityprograms|translating]] the log into another language.
 ===== Inventory tab ===== ===== Inventory tab =====
Line 245: Line 280:
 This tab shows the trackable inventory of the cache. The tab is only present if the cache contains trackables. This tab shows the trackable inventory of the cache. The tab is only present if the cache contains trackables.
-It will show the type icon and the name of the trackable. Clicking on a list entry will open the [[trackabledetails|trackable detail page]], providing more information about the trackable.+It will show the type icon and the name of the trackable. Tapping on a list entry will open the [[trackabledetails|trackable detail page]], providing more information about the trackable.
 ===== Image tab ===== ===== Image tab =====
Line 257: Line 292:
 This is not the same function as the cache gallery on the geocaching web page, as only the log pictures of the most recent 35 logs but not all are shown here. This is not the same function as the cache gallery on the geocaching web page, as only the log pictures of the most recent 35 logs but not all are shown here.
-Clicking on an image opens the picture in your default image viewer.+Tapping on an image opens the picture in your default image viewer.
 <WRAP center round tip 50%> <WRAP center round tip 50%>
-If the image contains coordinates in its header info, a small compass rose icon will be shown on the lower left corner of the image. In this case you can short click or long click on that icon to start your preferred or secondary preferred [[navigation|navigation]]. +If the image contains coordinates in its header info, a small compass rose icon will be shown on the lower left corner of the image. In this case you can short tap or long tap on that icon to start your preferred or secondary preferred [[navigation|navigation]]. 
-Long click on the image itself will in this case open a context menu, where you can create a new waypoint with these coordinates.+Long tap on the image itself will in this case open a context menu, where you can create a new waypoint with these coordinates.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
en/cachedetails.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/28 23:42 by murggel