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Anleitung für Offline-Karten


c:geo unterstützt Openstreetmap basierte Offline-Karten im Mapsforge-Format.

Die Nutzung von Offline-Karten in c:geo in Kombination mit gespeicherten Caches ermöglichst eine komplette Offline-Nutzung von c:geo (z.B. wenn du eine mobile Datenverbindung nicht nutzen kannst oder möchtest).

Zusätzlich zu Offline-Kartendateien unterstützt c:geo auch die zugehörigen Kartenthemen. Durch die Nutzung eines maßgeschneiderten Kartenthemas in Kombination mit einer Offline-Karte kannst du die Ansicht der Karte nach deinen Bedürfnissen anpassen (z.B. Höhenlinien, Wanderwegmarkierungen, und vieles mehr). Manche Offline-Karten benötigen sogar eine Installation des passenden Themas um korrekt angezeigt zu werden.

Diese Anleitung beschreibt, wie man solche Offline-Karten und Themen herunterlädt, installiert und konfiguriert.

Karten/Themen herunterladen

Zu aller erst musst du eine kompatible Offline-Kartendatei, die das benötigte geographische Gebiet abdeckt, herunterladen. Es gibt mehrere Dienste im Internet, die regelmäßig aktualisierte und gebrauchsfertige Kartendaten bereitstellen.

Die folgende Tabelle gibt einen Überblick über einiger Quellen für kompatible Karten, wo du deine Offline-Karten herunterladen kannst:

Name Abdeckung Beschreibung Kompatibilität Kosten
Mapsforge KartenserverWeltweitDieser Server beinhaltet weltweite vor-gebaute Karte und POIs, die mit dem neuesten Mapsforge-Writer erstellt wurden.

Bitte nutze ihren „Mirror-Server“ für deine Kartendownloads.
Die Karten in den Verzeichnissen V4 und V5 sind kompatibel mit c:geo.
V3-Karten können genutzt werden, wenn du „Alte Mapsforge V3“ in den c:geo Einstellungen aktivierst, aber wir empfehlen diese Version nicht mehr zu nutzen.
Angepasste Themen-Dateien werden nicht angeboten, die Karten-Dateien funktionieren am besten mit dem c:geo Standardthema.
Kostenfreie Nutzung
OpenAndroMapsWeltweitOpenAndroMaps bietet herunterladbare Vektorkarten zur freien Nutzung mit SmartphonesBenutze den „Multilingual V4-map“ Link um eine mit c:geo kompatible Karte herunterzuladen.
Wir empfehlen diese Karten zusammen mit dem passenden OpenAndroMaps-Kartenthema „Elevate 4“ zu nutzen, welches auch auf dieser Webseite heruntergeladen werden kann.
Kostenfreie Nutzung, Spenden willkommen
Freizeitkarte OSMEuropeKartendaten für Garmin-Geräte und Android-Smartphones.Sehr detailierte Karten, aber sie benötigen ein passendes Thema (welches auch auf der Webseite heruntergeladen werden kann) um eine korrekte Ansicht zu haben.Kostenfreie Nutzung, Spenden willkommen

The table above does only provide some examples of map providers, there are more of them out there.


Users reported, that some (vendor) tools used to transfer files between PC and smartphone might corrupt or alter the files during transfer. Therefore we recommend to download all files directly onto your smartphone and use a good file explorer on the device to decompress/copy/move the files as described below.

Map files

The downloaded offline map file needs to be stored onto your device in a folder of your choice. If the downloaded file is compressed (*.zip) you need to decompress it first. The correct file extension of the map file is *.map (e.g.

If you want to install several map files for usage with c:geo, you should store all of them into the same folder. As c:geo is later on configured to search for maps in a specific folder, all of them will be selectable in c:geo.

For this tutorial, let us assume you stored the map file(s) to /sdcard/mymaps.


If you (optionally) also downloaded a theme file for your offline map, you need to store it onto your device it in addition to the map files.

Typically the downloaded theme is compressed (*.zip) and needs to be extracted before it can be used by c:geo. The compressed file usually contains some folders and a lot of small files. Please make sure you keep this structure untouched when decompressing the file.

All of the resulting folders and files need to be stored below a folder of your choice on your device.

For this tutorial, let us assume you stored the theme(s) to /sdcard/mythemes.


Once you finished storing the map files (and optionally themes) onto your device, you need to configure c:geo to use the correct directories for finding the maps/themes.

You will find the corresponding settings in c:geo Menu → Settings → Map. A detailed description of this setting menu can be found here.

At the beginning the related settings will be empty:

In this menu you need to select the directory, where you have stored the map files (and themes) in the previous step of this tutorial. Sticking to our example above you need to configure the following directories here:

Menu item Setting
Directory with offline maps/sdcard/mymaps
Map Themes Directory/sdcard/mythemes

To select these folders simply click on the related menu item. c:geo will then automatically scan your folders trying to find the map files and offer the corresponding directory to be selected. If the list already contains the correct directory you can directly select it, if your map/theme directory is not listed you have to click the Choose directory button at the top to manually select/enter the directory.

On some devices finding the right folder might be frustrating, as the same folder is mounted under different paths at the same time, whereas the visibility of these paths might be different from app to app. A typical example is, that /sdcard/mymaps might instead be shown as /storage/emulated/0/mymaps or something like /storage/1234-5678/mymaps.
Due to the many different implementations depending on vendor and device configuration, we can't give a generic information, but you have to find the correct path on your device.

If you select Choose Directory some file explorer (appearance differs depending on Android version and installed third-party tools) will be opened, where you can browse your folders and choose the correct directory.

The following pictures show two different typical file explorers and visualize the steps needed to browse and select your map folder according to our example. For setting up the theme folder the steps are identical, but you need to select the themes folder instead.

Staying in our example the directory configuration should be shown look like this in the menu at the end:

Now you are ready to use your map files (and themes) with c:geo.


After adding new maps/themes to the configured directories a restart of c:geo is needed to recognize the added files.

Using the map file

If you correctly configured the directories, c:geo will now show all available offline map files in the map selection menu on your (live) map and in c:geo Menu → Settings → Map.

Once selected c:geo will continuously use this map file to render your map instead of using the online maps.

Using the theme

After selecting the offline map file to be used, you can assign the theme, which shall be used to render the map.

This can be done in the menu of the (live) map using the menu option Select map theme. If you installed a theme alongside with your offline map, please make sure you select the corresponding theme here.

Advanced theme options

If you installed a theme, you can adjust and configure the visibility of certain map elements according to your need. You can find the related option in the (live) map menu under Theme Options.

Here you can select a basic map style (e.g. Hiking, Cycling, Car) and customize it afterwards by enabling/disabling additional elements of the map.

Further reading on offline maps

Link to some guides and tutorials made by c:geo users

Link Language Description
Saarfuchs BlogGermanTutorial about c:geo and offline usage
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