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de:firststeps [2021/04/06 07:54] – [Erste Schritte mit c:geo] lineflyerde:firststeps [2021/04/06 07:55] – [Erste Schritte mit c:geo] lineflyer
Zeile 30: Zeile 30:
 |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_02_permission.png?direct&300 |}}|Der Assistent wird dich nach den Berechtigungen fragen, die c:geo auf deinem Gerät benötigt und erklären, warum diese Berechtigungen benötigt werden.\\ \\ <WRAP center round important 100%>Beachte bitte, dass c:geo ohne diese Berechtigungen nicht funktionieren wird!</WRAP><WRAP center round tip 100%>Abhängig von deiner Android-Version können die Berechtigungsschritte vom Assistenten auch ausgelassen werden, da du die Berechtigungen bereits während der Installation von c:geo erteilt hast.</WRAP>\\ \\ Tippe auf ''Weiter'' um den Berechtigungsvorgang zu starten.| |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_02_permission.png?direct&300 |}}|Der Assistent wird dich nach den Berechtigungen fragen, die c:geo auf deinem Gerät benötigt und erklären, warum diese Berechtigungen benötigt werden.\\ \\ <WRAP center round important 100%>Beachte bitte, dass c:geo ohne diese Berechtigungen nicht funktionieren wird!</WRAP><WRAP center round tip 100%>Abhängig von deiner Android-Version können die Berechtigungsschritte vom Assistenten auch ausgelassen werden, da du die Berechtigungen bereits während der Installation von c:geo erteilt hast.</WRAP>\\ \\ Tippe auf ''Weiter'' um den Berechtigungsvorgang zu starten.|
 |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_03_permission_file.png?direct&300 |}}|Nach dem Tippen auf ''Weiter'' auf diesem Bildschirm wirst du gebeten, c:geo die Berechtigung zu geben auf dein Dateisystem zuzugreifen, um Daten zu lesen und zu schreiben. Dies wird benötigt um Geocaches für die Offline-Nutzung zu speichern. Desweiteren kann c:geo GPX-Dateien, Offline-Logs und einiges mehr im- und exportieren.\\ \\Es wird nun ein Android-Dialog angezeigt, der dich auffordert dies durch Tipp auf ''Erlauben'' zu bestätigen.\\ \\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_04_permission_file_confirm.png?direct&200 |}} | |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_03_permission_file.png?direct&300 |}}|Nach dem Tippen auf ''Weiter'' auf diesem Bildschirm wirst du gebeten, c:geo die Berechtigung zu geben auf dein Dateisystem zuzugreifen, um Daten zu lesen und zu schreiben. Dies wird benötigt um Geocaches für die Offline-Nutzung zu speichern. Desweiteren kann c:geo GPX-Dateien, Offline-Logs und einiges mehr im- und exportieren.\\ \\Es wird nun ein Android-Dialog angezeigt, der dich auffordert dies durch Tipp auf ''Erlauben'' zu bestätigen.\\ \\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_04_permission_file_confirm.png?direct&200 |}} |
-|{{:en:firststeps_wizard_05_permission_gps.png?direct&300 |}}|After tapping ''Next'' on this screen you will be asked to provide c:geo permission to access your location. This is needed as c:geo uses your location to calculate distance and direction to geocaches and show your position on a map.\\ \\ An Android dialog will now show up and ask you to confirm this by tapping ''While using the app''. \\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_06_permission_gps_confirm.png?direct&200 | }}| +|{{:en:firststeps_wizard_05_permission_gps.png?direct&300 |}}|After tapping ''Next'' on this screen you will be asked to provide c:geo permission to access your location. This is needed as c:geo uses your location to calculate distance and direction to geocaches and show your position on a map.\\ \\ An Android dialog will now show up and ask you to confirm this by tapping ''While using the app''.\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_06_permission_gps_confirm.png?direct&200 | }}| 
 |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_07_basefolder.png?direct&300 |}}|c:geo will store all its user accessible data (like GPX files, offline logs, etc.) below a base folder, which you have to create or select in the next step and provide c:geo access to that folder. You can choose any folder you would like to use, we however recommend to use ''/cgeo/'' on your internal storage.\\ \\ An Android directory selector will now show up, which lets you navigate through your folders and allows you to create or select the desired folder. Note the menu I(marked in orange below) which offers more options like selecting the storage (e.g. internal or SD card) or creating a new folder. Once you selected the desired location tap ''Use this folder'' and afterwards tap ''Allow'' to confirm. \\ \\ <WRAP center round info 100%>As the directory selector is part of your Android operating system it might look slightly different depending on device and Android version.</WRAP>\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_08_basefolder_selector.png?direct&200|}}{{:en:firststeps_wizard_09_basefolder_confirm.png?direct&200 | }}| |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_07_basefolder.png?direct&300 |}}|c:geo will store all its user accessible data (like GPX files, offline logs, etc.) below a base folder, which you have to create or select in the next step and provide c:geo access to that folder. You can choose any folder you would like to use, we however recommend to use ''/cgeo/'' on your internal storage.\\ \\ An Android directory selector will now show up, which lets you navigate through your folders and allows you to create or select the desired folder. Note the menu I(marked in orange below) which offers more options like selecting the storage (e.g. internal or SD card) or creating a new folder. Once you selected the desired location tap ''Use this folder'' and afterwards tap ''Allow'' to confirm. \\ \\ <WRAP center round info 100%>As the directory selector is part of your Android operating system it might look slightly different depending on device and Android version.</WRAP>\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_08_basefolder_selector.png?direct&200|}}{{:en:firststeps_wizard_09_basefolder_confirm.png?direct&200 | }}|
 |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_10_services.png?direct&300 |}}|Now you need to setup the connection to your desired geocaching service by either tapping on '''' or ''Opencaching & others''.\\ \\ After tapping '''' you will see the authentication page, where you have either have to enter your existing login credentials for the website of\\ \\ If you do not yet own an account, you can go to the account creation page by tapping ''Create an account'' (see orange marked box below). This will open the registration page, where you can create your account.\\ \\ <WRAP center round info 100%>Please note, that c:geo does not support authorization with Google, Facebook or Apple. Therefore please use the plain username/password method instead for account creation and login. Learn [[|in our FAQ]] how to retrieve a password for your account.</WRAP>{{:en:firststeps_wizard_11_GCAuth.png?direct&200|}}<WRAP center round help 100%>If the registration fails, please take a look in our [[|FAQ]] to get help.</WRAP>When tapping ''Opencaching & Others'' on the wizard screen you will instead see a list of supported services, where you can - similar to the example above - select the desired service and afterwards authorize to those geocaching services or create an account.\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_14_OCAuth.png?direct&200 | }}| |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_10_services.png?direct&300 |}}|Now you need to setup the connection to your desired geocaching service by either tapping on '''' or ''Opencaching & others''.\\ \\ After tapping '''' you will see the authentication page, where you have either have to enter your existing login credentials for the website of\\ \\ If you do not yet own an account, you can go to the account creation page by tapping ''Create an account'' (see orange marked box below). This will open the registration page, where you can create your account.\\ \\ <WRAP center round info 100%>Please note, that c:geo does not support authorization with Google, Facebook or Apple. Therefore please use the plain username/password method instead for account creation and login. Learn [[|in our FAQ]] how to retrieve a password for your account.</WRAP>{{:en:firststeps_wizard_11_GCAuth.png?direct&200|}}<WRAP center round help 100%>If the registration fails, please take a look in our [[|FAQ]] to get help.</WRAP>When tapping ''Opencaching & Others'' on the wizard screen you will instead see a list of supported services, where you can - similar to the example above - select the desired service and afterwards authorize to those geocaching services or create an account.\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_14_OCAuth.png?direct&200 | }}|
de/firststeps.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/09/20 11:38 von lineflyer