====== c:geo User Guide ====== **Welcome to the c:geo online user guide!** {{ :logo_big.png?nolink&200 |}} ==== About c:geo ==== {{anchor:about_cgeo:}} c:geo is an open source, full-featured, always ready-to-go unofficial Android client for geocaching.com and offers basic support for other geocaching platforms (such as Opencaching). It does not require a web browser or exports - just install it and start right away. c:geo is only a client application for geocaching and is not associated with any specific geocaching service provider. ===== Getting Started ===== {{anchor:getting_started:}} * [[installation|Installing and updating c:geo]] - How to download, install, and get updates for c:geo * [[installation#permissions|c:geo device permissions]] - Device permissions needed for using c:geo * [[firststeps|First steps with c:geo]] - How to authenticate with geocaching services in c:geo * [[basicuse|Basic c:geo usage]] - What is geocaching and how to find your first geocache with c:geo * [[loginproblems|Login problems]] - What to do in case of login problems? ===== Users' Manual ===== {{anchor:users_manual:}} ==== Main Functions ==== {{anchor:main_menu:}} * [[.mainmenu:start|Home Screen]] - A central dashboard with user information * [[.mainmenu:livemap|Live Map]] - View a live map of geocaches * [[.mainmenu:lists#cache_list|Nearby Search]] - Search for caches near you * [[.mainmenu:lists|Stored Caches]] - View locally stored geocaches * [[.mainmenu:search|Search]] - Search for geocaches and trackables * [[.mainmenu:settings|Settings]] - Configure the application ==== Geocaches ==== {{anchor:geocaches:}} * [[cachedetails|Geocache details]] - View geocache details * [[Logging|Logging of Geocaches]] - Log your geocache finds * [[cachevariables|Cache Variables]] - Using variables for cache related calculations ==== Trackables ==== {{anchor:trackables:}} * [[trackabledetails|Trackable details]] - View trackable details * [[loggingtb|Trackable handling]] - Search for and log trackables ==== Coordinates and navigation ==== {{anchor:coordinates_and_navigation:}} * [[coordinatedialog|Coordinate input dialog]] - Enter specific coordinates * [[coordinatedialog#waypoint_calculator|Waypoint Calculator]] - Calculate waypoints * [[navigation|Navigation]] - Navigate using the supported navigation methods and tools * [[compass|Compass]] - Navigate using the built-in compass ==== Offline functions ==== {{anchor:offline_functions:}} * [[offline|Offline caching]] - Using c:geo offline * [[offline#gpx_import|GPX import]] - Import geocaches from GPX files * [[.mainmenu:pocketquery|Pocket queries]] - View and import Pocket Queries * [[offline#offline_logging|Offline logging]] - Log geocaches while offline * [[offline#field_note_export|Field Notes]] - Export field notes * [[offline#offline_maps|Offline Maps]] - Set up offline maps ==== User defined caches ==== {{anchor:udc:}} * [[udc|User defined caches]] - Handling of user defined caches in c:geo ===== Quick Reference ===== {{anchor:quick_reference:}} * [[cacheicons|Geocache types]] * [[cachemarkers|Geocache markers]] * [[cachedetails#waypoint_types|Waypoint types]] * [[mapsources|Map sources]] * [[cachefilter|Cache Filtering]] * [[basicmembers|Limitations for geocaching.com basic members]] * [[coordformat|Coordinate formats]] * [[attributes|Attribute icons]] * [[.mainmenu:utilityprograms|Other useful apps]] ===== Special Functions and Hints ===== {{anchor:special_functions_and_hints:}} * [[offlinemaps|Offline map tutorial]] * [[intents|Open geocaching-related links with c:geo]] * [[hiddenfunctions|Hidden functions in c:geo]] * [[https://send2.cgeo.org|Using Send2cgeo]]. * [[spoilersync|Synchronizing spoiler pictures from external sources to c:geo]] * [[notecoords|Waypoints created for coordinates in personal notes]] * [[quick_widgets|Using quick access and widgets as shortcuts for some c:geo functions]] * [[replacedevice|Migrating c:geo to another device]] * [[brouter|Use routed navigation c:geo]] ===== Plugins and Addon functions ===== {{anchor:plugins}} * [[contacts|Contacts plugin]] - c:geo contacts plugin ===== FAQ ===== {{anchor:faq:}} If you encounter a problem or error, please check our [[http://faq.cgeo.org|FAQ]] for possible solutions. ===== About this Manual ===== {{anchor:about_this_manual:}} * [[translation|Help translate this user guide!]] * [[ebook_help|Download a PDF version of this guide]] As c:geo is continuously being improved and updated, this user guide may not reflect the most recent app version. ===== Useful Links ===== {{anchor:useful_links:}} * [[http://www.cgeo.org|c:geo Homepage]] * [[https://www.facebook.com/android.geocaching|c:geo on Facebook]] * [[https://twitter.com/android_gc|c:geo on Twitter]] * [[https://github.com/cgeo/|c:geo development on GitHub]] * [[http://www.cgeo.org/development|Get involved and contribute to c:geo development]] * [[https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=AQBS7UP76CXW2|Donate via PayPal]]